Terms of Use for Verifiers

All information obtained on this website is confidential and may not be distributed, copied, sold, or transmitted without the express written permission of the owner of the information, the Employee. Use of this information is by a separate agreement between the Employee and the Verifier, and QuickConfirm.com, Inc. makes no representation or warranty with respect to such information after it is released to the Verifier. Viewing of the Employment and Salary information obtained on this website can only be authorized by the Employee to the Verifier, except as required by law. A verification of Salary can only be obtained if the Employee authorizes it by providing a Verifier with a Salary Authorization Code, which they have created using the Quick Confirm website.

Use of the data obtained through this service must comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Use for any other purpose may result in a violation of the FCRA and subject to the penalties as defined by the act and use for another purpose is strictly prohibited.

Any Verifier choosing to be invoiced for the use of this website is subject to a credit check to establish creditworthiness. Any information of this nature obtained by QuickConfirm.com, Inc. is confidential, and will not be shared with any other party. Any balances due to QuickConfirm.com, Inc. over 30 days, or misuse of this site, may cause restriction or denial of access to the site.